The name of the organization shall be the Barranca Mesa Parent Teacher Organization hereafter referred to as the PTO.


 a. This organization is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

b. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, the organization shall not engage in any activities not permitted by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501{c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

c. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall be used to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article Ill.

d. This organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.

e.The name of the organization or the names of any members in an official capacity shall not be used in conjunction with a commercial concern or with any pc1rtisan interest or for other purposes not related to the promotion of the objectives of this organization.

f. This organization shall not have any involvement in any political campaign for or against a candidate for public office. This organization may attempt to infiuencc educational legislation, but shall not devote a majority of its activities or monies to it.

g. Barranca Mesa Elementary PTO is a 501(c)(3) non -profit organization committed to an environment that is free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, disability, gender, sexual orientation or age.


Section 1: Mission

To promote and strengthen the relationship between home and school to give the children of Barranca Mesa Elementary the best environment to thrive and learn.

Section 2: Objectives

a. Engage in active fundraising in order to support the professional and educational needs of the staff and students of Barranca Mesa Elementary school.

b. Provide support for strengthening the skills of educators of Barranca Mesa Elementary school.

c. Promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school and community.

d. Promote policies for the care, protection and education of children.

e. Provide a venue for parents to discuss issues regarding the school with the principal, teacher representatives and other parents.

f. Develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for the children and youth, the highest advantages in academic, physical, mental, and social education.

g. Work with the school to provide quality education for all children and strive to participate in the decision making process of school policy, fully recognizing that the legal responsibility to make decisions has been delegated to the Board of Education.


This organization shall not collect dues for membership.

Section 1:  Membership in the PTO automatically includes:

a. Parents and legal guardians of the students currently enrolled at Barranca Mesa Elementary School.

b. All Barranca Mesa Elementary School administrators, teachers and support staff.

Section 2: Members of the organization shall be eligible to participate in the business meetings or to serve in any elective or appointive positions.


Section 1: Officers

a. The officers of this organization shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and Secretary Treasurer.

b. Officers shall be elected by ballot at the final PTO membership meeting of the school year. If there is only one nominee for any office, the election for that office may be by voice vote. A plurality of votes of those members present shall be necessary for election.

c. Officers shall assume their official duties on the first day of August and shall serve for a term of one year.

Section 2: Nominations for Executive Office

a. There shall be a nominating committee composed of three members who shall be selected by the Executive Board at least two months prior to the election.

b.  The nominating committee shall nominate an eligible person for each office to be filled. Their list of nominations shall be made before the election meeting.

c. Following the report of the nominating committee at the election meeting, an opportunity shall be given for nominations from the floor.

d. Only those who have consented to serve if elected shall be eligible for nomination, either by the committee or from the floor.

Section 3:  Vacancies

a. In case of a vacancy in the office of president, the vice. president shall assume the office for the remainder of the unexpired term.

b. A vacancy occurring in the offices of vice-president, secretary or treasurer shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the executive board. Nominations shall be made by the Executive Board


Section 1: President: The president shall:

a. Preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Board.

b. Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the organization in order to promote the objectives of the organization.

c. Be a member ex-officio of all committees except for the nominating committee.

Section 2: Vice-President: The vice-president shall:

a. Act as an assistant to the president and shall perform all duties of the president in his/her absence.

b. Perform other services assigned by the president in order to promote the objectives of the organization.

Section 3:  Secretary: The secretary shall:

a. Record the minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the executive board.

b. Make approved and official meeting minutes available to all organization members by posting them on the Barranca school's website.

c. Maintain a current copy of the bylaws.

d. Perform other responsibilities as may be delegated to him/her.

Section 4: Treasurer: The treasurer shall:

a.  Keep a full and accurate account of all receipts and expenditures of the organization.

b. Present a financial statement at every meeting of the organization and at other times as requested by the executive board.

c. Promptly pay all routine bills that are in accordance with the annual budget adopted by the organization.

d. Make disbursements for requests for organization funds that are in accordance with the annual budget. Requests shall be authorized by the president, Executive Board or organization membership.

e. The treasurer's accounts shall be examined annually by a qualified person or committee, who, satisfied that the treasurer's annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that act at the end of the report

Section 5:  Secretary Treasurer: The Secretary treasurer shall:

a. Assist the Treasurer in the keeping of a full and accurate account of all receipts and expenditures of the organization.

b. Be authorized to pay all routine bills in Section 4, subsection c of Article VI when the treasurer is unable.

c. Be authorized to make disbursements in Section 4, subsection d of Article VI when the treasurer is unable.  


Section 1:  Membership

a. The officers of the PTO,

b. The principal of Barranca Mesa Elementary School,

c. Two parent representatives elected by the organization, and

d. Two teacher representatives selected by the principal.

Section 2: Formation

The Executive Committee shall be formed at the first PTO meeting of the school year by the election of the parent representatives and appointment of the teacher representatives. In the interim, business, which requires action by the Executive Committee, shall be performed by the executive officers.

Section 3: Duties

The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to:

a. Transact necessary business in the intervals between organization meetings,

b. Create standing and special committees,

c. Present a report at the regular meetings of the organization,

d. Examine and assist in approving the treasurer's accounts at each meeting,

e. Prepare a budget for the year and submit the budget to the organization for approval, and

f. Approve disbursement of funds within the limits of the budget.

Section 4: Term: Each member of the Executive Committee shall serve a term of one year.

Section 5: Quorum: A quorum of 5 must be present for the Executive Committee to transact business.


Section 1: At least 5 regular meetings of this organization shall be held during the school year. The Executive Board shall determine and announce the meeting dates. Notice shall be given of all regular meetings.

Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the president or by a majority of the Executive Board.

Section 3: The election meeting shall be held in the month of May.


Section 1: Such committees shall be created by the Executive Committee in order to promote the objectives and interests of the PTO.

Section 2: Each committee shall appoint a chairperson at its first meeting.

Section 3: The chairperson of all committees shall present plans for work to the Executive Board for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without the approval of the Executive Board.

Section 4: Upon completion of the school year or completion of the work of a committee, each chairperson shall submit to the president a final report outlining the work of the committee.


The fiscal year of this organization shall be August 1'1 to July 31'1 of the following year. 


Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future tax code) for the benefit of Barranca Mesa Elementary School, or if Barranca Mesa Elementary School no longer exists, to the Los Alamos Public School Foundation, or if the Los Alamos Public School Foundation ceases to exist, then to the County of Los Alamos, or to the federal government, or to the government for public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as the Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


Section 1:  These bylaws may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be voted upon.

Section 2: A committee may be appointed to submit revised bylaws as a substitute for the existing bylaws only by a majority vote at a meeting of the organization, or by a majority vote of the Executive Board. The requirements for adoption or a revised set of bylaws shall be the same as in the case of an amendment.

(Bylaws signed and adopted 23rd day of August, 2018.)